Andi Hanako
I am a vocalist, lyricist, I play the sanba (a Ryukyuan castanet from Okinawa), and I conduct sound research. When I perform live, I share these sounds using a CDJ or DJ controller and often mix them with my favorite sounds from other artists.
I am indigenous Ryukyuan(Okinawan)-Japanese and Irish-American. My background influences my favorite genres, which include Okinawan folk music and House music. I identify generally as an electronic sound artist, or electronic folk musician, and I sing in English, Japanese, Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan), and other indigenous Ryukyuan languages. My computer is my primary instrument after my voice and my sanba.
I believe that music can be a tool for decolonization. If you would like to work with me as a vocalist, audio researcher, or in any other capacity, please know that my commitment to collective liberation and environmental stewardship will always be interwoven into my approach to music. I seek to unpack and leverage my privileges, learn about the histories of my own peoples and others, and grow as an agent of peace, all through sound!